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"We've worked really hard to restore the premises to its former



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Canada Goose sale When the premises became available we immediately new there was an opportunity to be had.”We’ve worked really hard to restore the premises to its former glory and create an environment for the brands that have made us what we are.”He added: “It’s fair to say we’ve grown up on the back of our online presence, and the video screens in the new store are part of that.”We’ve really moved things on quite quickly online, and because it’s such an important part of what makes END. We wanted to involve the website in the store experience.On the first floor END. Will feature some of fashion’s biggest global names including Lanvin, Saint Laurent and Moncler.Mr Lister added: “Our buyers are out in the likes of Japan at least twice a year Canada Goose Sale, and that’s a point of difference for us.”To be able to get products like that you need to go out and visit these brands, it’s a cultural thing. Canada Goose sale

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