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The other was also slashed and suffered chest wounds



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cheap Canada Goose Since then, Heugel’s empire has expanded. There’s his ode to craft beer in Hay Merchant, just down the street from Anvil. Downtown, he has a hand in the OKRA Charity Saloon (where a portion of the proceeds goes to the needy), the Nightingale Room (cocktails plus vinyl and live music) and the Pastry War, where he indulges his passion for hand crafted mezcal.. cheap Canada Goose

Canada Goose Outlet Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe Cheap Canada Goose, try again laterInvalid EmailA gunman who blasted a thug in broad daylight used his victim’s nursery run to target him.Ross Craig had just dropped one of his kids off and strapped the other into a car seat when he was shot.It’s thought the shooter had stalked Craig and identified when he would be at his most vulnerable to an attack.Craig suffered leg injuries in the murder bid in Shawlands, Glasgow, on Thursday morning.The 34 year old who owns florists Regal Roses chased the gunman but he jumped into a waiting car.The attack is similar to an underworld murder bid in the city in January.Ross Monaghan, 35, was saved by a bullet proof vest after a pram pushing gunman shot at him at St George’s Primary in Penilee.Last night, a source, said: “The victim had just dropped off his kid at nursery and strapped his other kid into the back of his vehicle.”He looked up and saw someone up ahead. When he went over to confront the person, it all kicked off and he was shot.”Flash thug shot in Glasgow attack had previously fled country to avoid jail for two slashingsCraig was last night being comforted by his Polish fianc Anna Handzel, 33, after being released from hospital.His criminal past saw him jailed for six and a half years in 2010 for a vicious attack on a solider and his friend in Glasgow city centre.The incident happened in 2006 but Craig fled to Cyprus in an attempt to avoid justice.The thug pulled out a seven inch knife and stabbed one of the men twice in the back and thigh and slashed his face. The other was also slashed and suffered chest wounds.It’s thought police are checking to see if there is a link between Thursday’s shooting and Craig’s violent past.Police would not reveal last night if Craig gave detectives a statement before he discharged himself from hospital.Flashy Craig and Anna appear to live a jet set lifestyle and have used social media to flaunt their holidays in exotic locations such as Dubai and Sri Lanka.Gun attack launched on fortified home of gangster ‘Fraggle’ as tit for tat mob feud deepensLast year, Craig also posted a picture of a local taxi app in Sri Lanka and asked friends to leave bad reviews as he claimed “these bs” were trying to ruin a business he had set up in the country.He has also shared pages of businesses in Glasgow as well as the florist he set up in January with Anna and one of her relatives Canada Goose Outlet.

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