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"Of course, it wasn't just the cool factor that attracted Poch



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Canada Goose Parka I think we share common bonds and it’s just natural that we want to help each other to be successful.”COMING UP: What are some of the small businesses that are operating in the upcycling space? If you’ve got a story to tell Canada Goose Outlet, drop me a note.Q Sarah Hutchings, OrsiniSarah Hutchings is the director of Orsini, a Parnell based specialist retailer of fine Italian and European jewellery brands, as well as New Zealand custom made jewellery.Can you talk me through some of the brand partnerships you have, particularly with other smaller New Zealand businesses?I have a number of brands I partner with and that includes a nice mix of New Zealand businesses as well as global brands. The New Zealand businesses I’ve partnered with include the likes of Kathryn Wilson, Storm India Tea Sisters and Non Solo Pizza in Parnell.How did the relationship with Kathryn Wilson come about?My friendship with Kathryn Wilson started a few years back when Kathryn asked me to help decorate one of her shoes with diamonds to raise funds for Ronald McDonald House. It started as a small project, but it took on epic proportions when I covered the shoe with $500,000 worth of diamonds that ended up making headlines worldwide as the most expensive shoe in the world at the time.Since then we’ve worked on a number of fashion parades and projects together and have a really fabulous working relationship Canada Goose Parka.

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